Monday, November 21, 2005


Täna jõuab Teieni Räppiva Kohukese Cösmöpölitani eriväljaanne!
Bon Appetit!
Jah, täna on see legendaarne päev kui avan oma tõelise "kollase loomuse" ja punastades teatan oma soovist muuta see blog naisteajakirjaks........... Seks müüb ju! Viimane aeg on hakata pakkuma oma lugejatele pikantseid lugusid, või mis? Olgu, aitab sissejuhatamisest....siit tuleb Räppiva Kohukese Naiste eri.....
Kõigile andunud lugejatele teadmiseks- ma ei ole lugenud originaalis Cosmopolitani artiklit "Meeste aju müsteerium lahendatud".(p.s alljärgnev inglisekeelne materjal on osaliselt refereeritud originaalist

KOGU TÕDE SÕRMUSTEST ehk 6 põhjust, miks neid mitte kanda

Kõik üksikud vallalised tütarlapsed võivad kergendatult ohata, sest Räppiva Kohukese usin toimetus
on leidnud meeste ajus seniavastamata "kõhkluste ja eelarvamuste"sopi.
Kui oled siiani arvanud, et oled a) kole b) paks c) igav d) liiga noor e) liiga vana f) midagi muud, siis oled eksinud. Kui mees seisatab huvitatult Sinust paari meetri kaugusel, kuid siis raputab endamisi pead ja kaob või kui ta vestleb sinuga ööklubis 10 minutit ja järsku vabandab, et peab korraks ära käima....aga tagasi enam ei tule.
ära muretse, Sa oled ikka veel ilus naine.
Sa lihtsalt unustasid sõrmuse vasaku käe "abielu feat. kihlusesõrme".
"What is the big difference?" küsid Sa targa lugejana vastu.

Donna Ameerikast seletab milles asi...
(jätan tõlkimata, siis ehk saate paremini aru)

Nimelt küsisid kaks Donna meessoost töökaaslast temalt ükskord:

"Donna, why do you wear a ring on the RING FINGER of your LEFT hand
when you are NOT married or attached to anyone?"

Donna oli niisama üllatunud kui teiegi.

"I was fairly stunned by the question; it seemed so obvious to me--

Iga naine naudib ju!

I ALWAYS wear three rings whenever I go
anywhere--the same two on my right hand, and I alternate the one I wear
on the ring finger of my left hand. I think only one of those that I
wear on my left hand could possibly be misconstrued as an engagement
ring as it is a diamond cocktail ring.

My co-workers both said that if they see ANY type of ring on THAT finger
of a woman's left hand, that they INSTANTLY assume that the woman is
involved in a relationship and they will NOT approach her! I found this
reasoning to be totally ILLOGICAL! My co-workers were quite adamant
about their views and said that
most members of the male species share
the same line of thought.

Meeste aju müsteerium lahendatud!

I told them that I didn't think that women felt that way, that most
would probably wear a ring on the ring finger of their left hand
REGARDLESS of their status of involvement.
I said that most women
would not feel insulted if they were wearing a ring that was obviously
NOT an engagement or wedding ring and a gentleman approached them.

Donna seletas kannatlikult kuidas naised mõtlevad.

This line of reasoning really angered one of my co-workers. He went so
far as to say that it shows where the moral code of today's female is
if they WANT to be approached. He basically stated that only SLIME
would approach a woman who was wearing a ring.

Aga kõik naised on nõmedad ja moraalitud!

Anyway, after our little discussion, I went and talked to several female
co-workers of mine.
ALL that I talked to felt the same way that I do;
that unless it is blatantly obvious that the ring is a wedding or
engagement ring, that it shouldn't prevent a man from approaching a

Donna eneseusk lõi kõikuma ja ta pöördus oma küsimusega teiste naiste poole.

Tonight, a male friend of mine called me. I posed the question to him.
He pretty much agreed with what my male co-workers said. Now this really
has me concerned!!
Do most men REALLY feel that ANY ring on the third
finger of the left hand AUTOMATICALLY means that the woman is spoken
for? And do most women REALLY feel that unless it is specifically a
wedding or engagement ring, that it shouldn't matter to the men, and it
is OK to wear a ring on ANY finger; that it shouldn't be construed as a
signal that they are involved!

Ja kui helistas Donna usaldusväärne meessoost sõber, siis ei saanud vaene naine aru mis toimub.

If this is the case, then there is MAJOR miscommunication between the
sexes!! I thought it might be interesting to pose the question here and
see what the men and women here feel and think on the subject.

Donna soovib, et naised ja mehed võtaksid sel teemal ühtse seisukoha.

What do YOU think? Should a ring (ANY ring) be worn on the third finger
of a woman's left hand be worn ONLY if the woman is attached? Is a woman
who is wearing one generally judged by the male population as ATTACHED?
Do women generally feel that it is OK to be single and wear a non-wedding
or engagement ring on that finger and that it SHOULDN'T be construed as a
signal to the male species that they are attached?

Räppiva Kohukese toimetus tuleb Donnale vastu ja küsib oma lugejatelt kuidas teie sõrmuseid kannate.

P.S Anton Nari distantseerub ülaltoodud väidetest ja arvamustest ja ei kuulu ka ühegi naisteajakirja toimetusse. Materjali autoriks ja peasüüdlaseks on kuri geenius Räppiv Kohuke.

p.s Järgmine eriväljaanne võib vabalt jääda ilmumata!


Blogger Mihkel said...

ma küll ei tea, aga kui ma teaksin, oleksin ma selle tüüpilise mehega nõus.

10:14 AM  

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